Me – and TV? A Conversation with Trudy Krisher


We writers sit behind desks a lot. Not in front of cameras.

So it was with some hesitation that I agreed to have Ruth Anne Peck interview me for her Book-TV show, The Writer’s Nook.

The occasion was the publication of two new books: A scholarly biography (FANNY SEWARD: A LIFE) and a children’s picture book (‘AN AFFECTIONATE FAREWELL’: THE STORY OF OLD ABE AND OLD BOB). Both books were published to coincide with the 150th anniversary of the end of the Civil War, and both were Civil War-era books.

The interview couldn’t have been easier, because when I start talking about something I love – like writing and books – the words just flow!

Here’s Ruth Anne’s interview with me about writing, self-publishing, censorship, teaching, and how to keep the creative juices going. And, yes, it features two of my books: FANNY SEWARD: A LIFE and ‘AN AFFECTIONATE FAREWELL’: THE STORY OF OLD BOB AND OLD ABE and .


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